How does the IonCleanse footbath work?
Electrical current passes through a set of plates in a module that is immersed in the water inside the footbath tub. The footbath water contains a special sea salt, so it has the mineral concentration of water from the ocean. While the client’s feet are in the water, positive and negative ions are emitted by the footbath system. This re-energizes the body and the red blood cells. It eliminates toxins that are stored in fat, kidneys, liver, bowels, and skin. The footbath also triggers the body’s lymphatic system, which helps with continuing detoxification for up to 3 to 5 days after a session.
What is a detox footbath session like?
During a session the client sits in a comfortable chair. Most individuals find the experience VERY relaxing and it is not unusual for the client to fall asleep. The session takes 30 minutes. Some people may experience a slight tickling or tingling sensation from the IonCleanse detox footbath.
What can I expect after a detox footbath session?
Most people will feel relaxed, balanced, and focused. There is usually no pain. People who suffer from excessive toxicity may experience some discomfort as their bodies release toxins from the tissues for elimination. After a detox footbath, clients are encouraged to drink plenty of water to assist with making elimination easier and more comfortable. Some people may experience fatigue or headache after a session.
Who can benefit from IonCleanse detox footbaths?
This is a safe therapy for anyone over the age of 10 years, except for those who wear a pacemaker or have seizures. This is suggested therapy for people who have accumulated many stored toxins and are not able to get rid of them efficiently, due to overworked liver, spleen, and kidney functions. This is especially recommended therapy for those who take a lot of medications. The IonCleanse detox footbath does not eliminate beneficial medications from the body.